Sumatra Mahara Coop
Regular price
$ 12.99
HEY, look at the blast from the past. Review holds.
Welcome to covid green sourcing where everything sells out, is delayed and we're kind of left looking around and going lets try THIS.
I'll eat my words. I said never a Sumatra Single Origin again and here we are. For those that hold their nose at Sumatra just click away. I'm done trying to convince you. For those that stay - it's a fun coffee because it's so wildly different from what I've bought. It does round out the lets cover all the bases for tastes profile but it's not the audience I've cultivated so to speak. That said this is a clean coffee for a Mandheling. Generally you can expect a brown sugar, sweet, syrupy - maple notes too - with a pretty wacky finish which I'll cede is "earthy" but I'm sure someone could say leathery or tobacco'. Though I've never smoked a cigarette in my life it's what I imagine might be it.
You have to really like scotch to like this coffee. Peat Moss in a cup - I guess.
I'll probably buy this again in another year but I probably won't be moving back to Sumatra light roasts outside of this so get in on this while you can. Generally most roasters char the crap out of this stuff. This will hang around through the summer and into the fall until the PNG's arrive.