Sumatra Anaerobic Lychee Fruit Ferment

Sumatra Anaerobic Lychee Fruit Ferment

Regular price $ 20.50 Sale

This coffee is weird and probably the only wet hulled coffee we'll ever carry. I'm not even going to explain the process because I gotta get to bed and cuh, i'm tired. 

To me this coffee personifies how advancing the processing of coffee in different non-traditional ways can add something to a coffee that maybe otherwise isn't so great which can be a bad thing if we're selling a $25 fruit ferment with a booty coffee carried by strawberries. It's a worry. I digress. The lychee added to the processing which we smelled far more on the green side than the roasted side then into the cupping side. I did a few batches and felt mostly ok with the output but as always with wet hulled the roasting really only matters when it's mega dark otherwise it's grossly not uniform. This allows for all those earthy woods tannin crud I dislike so much to show up. That said the lychee tones all that down and adds a really nice fruit aspect to them similar to bbq and using different types of wood can highlight certain types of meat. I liked post oak myself for brisket for those who didn't ask. 

I want to end this with if you buy mostly anything I roast chances are you won't ever ask me for this type of coffee again. And as I said I won't really buy a wet hulled again. However surely someone will and I'll be like well damn I was wrong but I think half of our audience would agree in nah, not again. That said sometimes it's the journey and trying these things allows for us to enjoy all those fruit bombs from colombia. No refunds. You've been warned.

Can we just freight a pallet of lychee to colombia because that would SLAP?

p.s. I'm a hater. It's not "bad". It's just not the other fruit ferments, ok?