Colombia Narino Buesaco

Colombia Narino Buesaco

Regular price $ 16.50 Sale

Pretty damn good crowd pleaser. I know I know I buy nothing but berries anymore and guilty as charged. I'm a berryholic. This one kinda of does the berry thing BUT! it's washed. It's not an Ethiopia Dry Process fruit bomb. It just has a really nice soft berry like vibe with a good amount of sweetness. There's a tea like element but I can't quite place my finger on what specific type of tea but it's there. A toasty roasty tea It tasted like you added sugar, but not too much, to it. Like half a packet. This is one of those coffees that you and your wife can enjoy as a peace offering because honey will you just stop buying the crazy stinky coffees and just get me something normal is a refrain we've come to hear. It's cool. I get it.  At the end of the day we're vibing on these coffees and you're vibing on these coffees but we're not trying to break up any marriage round here over said coffee. So this is "normal". This is not bad normal. This is good normal. Ok? I promise.

If we've become known for the high end funky flunky funk (spell check there and dammit I'm leaving it in) then this is the other high end stuff we keep a keen eye out for it. Give it a whirl as espresso. There's a lot to like in this coffee.  
