Colombia La Reserva Latic Honey

Colombia La Reserva Latic Honey

Regular price $ 17.50 Sale

One of those wow type coffees. I'm excited to have stumbled across this gem and another that's here alongside it. This one presents a bit more standard coffee but tastes excellent rather than being very process drive which this of course is also. They're a lot of sweetness going on here that I read as bubble gum. This really shows up against the other Colombian we have right now from Buena Vista (or any natural).

I keep on going back to bubblelicious but you may get something else or even a tropical fruit or just lemon zest. There's that too. In my mind though it's been forever since I've had a drink of this type - or beer for that matter - I get a pineapple mojito. Kiwi's, limes, pineapples that sort of thing. It's still got an inherent colombia thing going on which I guess is me saying some people will just taste a bit bodied coffee. If I'm describing a origin full of multiple growing regions as "one taste" which far too many people do. I won't correct you in person but hey, this is my website. If anaerobic natural's full of fruits and stinky cheese/beer are too far of a reach for you this is one of those process coffee's that tastes more like a normal coffee than anything but also is very very different from any other coffee you get. But also one that pairs well with something else that changes the profile. It's cool and weird and i"m here for it.
