Mexico Zongolica Washed

Mexico Zongolica Washed

Regular price $ 15.00 Sale

One of the newer sticks around type of single origins for us (I hope). They're part of a program a place I buy from has with producers in various countries that is eyed towards not just buying once and done but year after year. With that comes a lot of things both good and maybe even bad. I'll lead with the bad. Those folks who want the wild and wooly look elsewhere. This is the quintessial couples compromise coffee type full of expected and normie coffee tastes. Milk Chocolates, Caramels, Toasted "stuff" - you know "coffee" tastes. I found there to be a nice orange presence overall which always catches my eye. My third eye. My chakra. I'm obviously kidding there. Have your third eye chakras all you want, i'm just making pour overs and jokes. I'm here all week folks.

Espresso option for those light bros.