Bali Batukaang Yeast Ferment Anaerobic Natural

Bali Batukaang Yeast Ferment Anaerobic Natural

Regular price $ 19.00 Sale

This is the less fermented version of a fermented funky coffee. 6oz. I wont not tell you that straight up. STRAIGHT UP. You hear me? Do you wanna love me forever oh oh oh. 

This is one of those coffees caught in a hit and run. Maybe it's funky maybe it's chocolates, maybe it's berries. You kind of can get a lot. I got a really candied and citric coffee as the front and it cools into a nice grapey but not too winey coffee You might not get any of it. Thankfully it does none of that gross earthy woodsy patchouli smell/taste. Sorry if you like that shit but, not round here partner. 

This is part of the 6oz black label lineup and the first offering. There's a limited amount. When it's gone it's gone. We're only roasting 69 (nice) bags of it. There's no refunds. If you hate it you can hate me. It's ok. People do. 

 Also, you might hate me for this. Everything was roasted all at once so if you want it hyper fresh order yesterday.