Branding and Marketing

  • Develop a thick skin. Seriously.
  • Run a competitive landscape because you need to know what the hell is out there and how others are succeeding.  Know them better than their average customer. Stay up on what they’re doing
  • They’ll think your jealous, or that you like them or some weird shit but you’re just watching their mistakes/good ideas develop over time and you can adjust and utilize that information.
  • How does your product look compared to others? Line them up like an instagram photo shoot by the person who saved every bag. How do you want yours to look next to everyone e
  • lse. Be honest.
  • What advantages do you have. What don’t you have. What does a customer think that’s old. That’s young. Male. Female. Professional. Rich. poor. There are many audience types get to understand each type and how they percieve your brand.
  • Learn your customers. They’ll come and go but learn to curate rather than convert.
  • Have a website with Shopify. Don’t godaddy website builder. Or wix. Or geocities, Don’t have your kid make it. Don’t put your music or other businesses on there. Get good images. Be prepared to change it every 2 years. Real talk: just pay a freelancer looking for accounts.
  • What you say is important or even not important.
  • Hash tags arent the magical answer along with other cheats you think you know.Creating your own trademark (and it’s not really trademarked) is dumb. Stop. Stop creating slogans noone will use.  Hash tags aren’t the magical answer ok? Get that through your head. Metatags are not the magical answer either.
  • Finding your voice. Ok so maybe you’re captain metahashtag master. Cool. My story was about my family but when that’s taken away and the only thing left you have is your company and that resonates more than gimmick branding.