Rwanda Gasharu 72 Hour Anaerobic

Rwanda Gasharu 72 Hour Anaerobic

Regular price $ 20.00 Sale

2024 Review: Another year another drop. The runts thing is not there. This year I got a really nice milk chocolate and cherry taste profile along with grapes. 

2023 Review:

We bought this coffee again. A limited run. I feel like this coffee is a bit less bright than last year and the runts thing isn't so much there - so I'm being a tad bit lay in leaving up the sweet and sour candy. It is still there but just not as much. I'd say more juicy than it is sugary sweet.



2022 review

This is a fun coffee and really brings a smile to my face every time I sip it. There's just something so nicely sweet and fruity about it. We've had notes all over the place on this one but I think we can sort of overall say it's like a really sweet and sour candy. Some kind of "runts" but as coffee. I've loved this coffee so much we bought more of it despite it being a little late in the season to buy it. Caveat in that it doesn't taste as lively as it did 2-3 months ago but it's still a banger as the kids so.  Hopefully if it comes back next year we can snag this right when it lands. It's an importer that cold showed up at the warehouse during covid and reached out again at exactly the moment we were looking for this kind of thing. The brother of the farmer is helping import these in so in a way i'm excited that we can form another relationship with them. Lets hope we see them in the lineup for years to come! Not a ton available but I'm open to buying more if this flys so email me if you liked this or something.